Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jenis Perempuan yg aku nak in a relationship/kahwin nanti

Ok memandangkn aku ni single and available lagi, aku post mende ni, menerangkan jenis perempuan, atau the girl that i want, or perempuan yang i likely fall in love with or perempuan yg klu boleh nk kahwin trus.....

Seperti biasa like everyone, i also want a beautiful girl by my side.....n sebelum korg haters ckp, "dia xhensem nak awek lawa lak"...... aku terangkan balik beautiful tu ape...
1)beautiful for me is, when i see that girl, i feel comfortable with her.
2)when i talk with her, i can follow her speech, and she can follow mine.
3)i dont really care sal cara pakaian nk seksi ke, nk berjubah ke,
nak yuna fan club ke, nk emo gothic ke.....xkisah, but, the dressing
kene compliment her, nampak natural, n she feels comfortable with it.
4)she knows how to respect people, knows how to talk, knows how to respect
people elder than her, knows how to respect herself, n respects me, and
my views(since i see the world differently)
5)who is, in a way, smart, i mean by academical smart, i dont mind she being
smarter than me by academic sense, because i always would be smarter in
overall sense n is more logical n common sense person.
6)at least a bit tall, taller than most average malaysian 180cm,
i may go to 183-184cm, so someone as tall as me would be great, but klu
pendek pn xkisah gk, this is just preferences...

So that is beautiful for me..... who im comfortable with, who knows how to dress to suit her, who knows how to respect people, know what to say when, open minded, smart, n tall, but of course....this is just preferences....not exactly demanding for someone like this....

then secondly, i dont believe that much in love at first sight at all, cause it dont work on me, i have fallen, like "fallen" in love, but then i realised that, love is something more complicated than that...... then i logically meet n kapel with one girl....then i love her...this doesnt only "falls" on you, it can be harvested, logically induced n controlled.... before you purist say, "my definition of love is wrong, love is, bile mata berpandang mata, jatuh ke hati, other than that is not love, is it strategically choosing a girl, its not love, n the relationship wont go anywhere!!".........understand this... love is still a is several feelings jumbled up, and mixed, and in variety of form, love is subjective and ambiguous.

then thirdly, is myself.... she must understand me, bear with me all the things we do together, n happy about it in the end, im not going in a ladder theory pnye love, i want equal, two-way, as everyone knows,
1)im not good-looking, not even close to bollywood good
looking type, but i have charm in my smile, hahahahaha
2)im very quiet at times, but talk a lot too, so, when i dont talk,
its just my mood.
3)i have mood swings(yes, mood swings, but not like you girls pnye mood
swings), my mood can on n off anytime, kejap seronok2 happy, kejap
bleh muram, kejap dok semangat, kejap hilang semangat, so, in a way,
i need someone who can understand this and help me through it.
4)im not rich, n my parents doesnt work as pengecop duit k.....
dont ckit2 nk mintak duit, nk ni nak tu, if u want it, i would buy it
for you, but not all you can get.
5)i have tendencies to have many female friends.....and would sometimes
kacau2 them, dont get jealous just because of i have friends
6)if i somehow love that someone or what, i will love her fully,
but i will not give her everything, thats just my way
7)some of u may say.."sbb ni la xde awek, dok single je", or "sebab ni
ni la your ex curang ngn u".....yes, maybe right, but to be with the
right person, you need to be choosy,
8)i dont stick to my own principles, so, i may omit or add one or two
details of these, because the most important thing is, im comfortable
with her, and so is she..

owh, n i forget to add, im egoistic, self centered, bad temperate,argues a lot, n selfish.....but not always, i have controlled some parts of me n try to keep calm n have an open mind always, n have fun n xkisah ape orang cakap, but if i suddenly termarah ke ape sume, forgive me, n understand me...

lastly.... like i said, two ways....u understand, i will understand u, n try to keep this relationship....maybe i will add more, but later...

*the "you", is mostly referred to "that girl i would be with then"..... n also, "you"... my, sort out yourself which is referring to what, malas nk ubah....

ciao, buano giornata


  1. ala rayman, chill la, aku sampai sekarang single :)
    hidup je, x perlu risau sangat, nnt ada la..
    jodoh di tangan tuhan, semayang byk byk, minta pertolongan, inchallah suatu hari nnt jumpa la :)

  2. mmg la, saje post tok bgtau perempuan jenis ape yg i nak.......saje jer, hahahahahhaha, hng xpe, stuff...hahaha

  3. well if i find one that qualifies based on what u've written i shall holla at ya..
    and yah what faiz said, enjoy single hood man.... while u can! :D

  4. aku lah tu org nya. hahah.
    joke. ;D
    u'll find one, insyaAllah.

  5. hahahahaha, ok mizah, im hoping to hear from u soon....hahaha, kiko....hng cm kene gk sbnrnye.....hahahahhahaahhahahaahahahha....xla, hahahahahaha,
