Monday, December 6, 2010

Review- Result 1st sem yg teruk

Post kt bawah td menunjukkn result yg sangat2 truk...........

1 grade Y(barred=fail)
1 grade F(big F)
2 grade B(both I thought would get at least B+)
1 grade B+ (which I thought the only subject I could get an A-)
1 grade A- (the only smile in my result)

so, my gpa n cgpa is 2.516, where I need to get a 2.8 to major in Psychology(since I already got a B for the Intro, the first requirement is already done)

So what actually happened that comes to this shit? if uve read about gombak-oh-gombak and gombak-part-2 that i wrote last month, u would have the idea of it.

  1.  student baru lagi, xreti jalan, time management xbtul, lambat adapt to new environment
  2.  jauh ngn kawan2, sume dok jauh2 sampai sesetengah tu da x cam kawan dah
  3.  lecture room dok jauh2(refer blk to time management), 20-25min akn diambil tok jalan kaki, so bgn 30minits sblm lecture pun xsempat be on time
  4. masalah ngn lecturer (aku malas nk elaborate sebab aku bersalah gk)
  5. kemalasan nak study btul2, n suke wat kerje last minute
  6. malas nk pegi klas, slalu ponteng klas for various reasons
  7. malas nak bergerak, asyik nak tido je
  8. miss midterm exam, xpnh msuk klas dr awl sem sume
so 8 intervened points ni adalah penyebab my downfall........ but the light is not out yet, if i only can change my mentality, start getting serious n don't play the fool.........

  1. serious tok next sem
  2. seriously masuk klas n dont miss too many classes
  3. wat nota after every chapter
  4. makan n tido pd time yg btul
  5. gi bersukan
  6. keep my ego in check
  7. keep my senses in check
  8. and use my money wisely
ok aku tau bnyk yg xde kene mengene......haha.....not hopefully, I must do all that.......

buano giornata


  1. :) all the best!! make sure u stick to these 8 points to succeed.. insyallah..

  2. yay! dat the spirit man!
    kita buat elok2 sama for the upcoming semester.

